Reel News TT Exclusive: “Robert Amar” A Legacy in Trinidad & Tobago’s Music Industry

Interviewer: Keturah Lewis, Host of Reel News TT
Location: East Trinidad
Event: Promotion for Iconic Radio 104.7 FM


A Pillar in the Music Industry

Robert Amar, a legendary figure in Trinidad & Tobago’s music industry, spoke with Keturah Lewis of Reel News TT to discuss his extensive contributions, the current state of the industry, and the future of local music. From developing the renowned “Kisskadee Karavan” in the 90s to discovering unique talents like General Grant, Robert Amar’s journey is marked by innovation and dedication.

The Atmosphere of the Music Industry

“The music industry in Trinidad & Tobago is vibrant but faces many challenges,” Robert began. He described an industry full of talent and creativity but lacking the necessary support structures to thrive on the global stage. “We have the talent, but we need more investment and support from both the government and private sectors.”

Journey and Contributions

Reflecting on his journey, Robert shared stories of his early days in the music business. “It wasn’t easy, but the passion for music kept me going,” he said. One of his most significant contributions was the creation of the “Kisskadee Karavan,” a platform that revolutionized the local music scene in the 90s by showcasing diverse genres and providing a space for artists to shine.

Discovering General Grant

One of the highlights of Robert’s career was discovering General Grant, an artist who brought a unique style to the industry. “General Grant was a game-changer. His energy and creativity were unmatched,” Robert recalled. “It’s talents like his that show the world what Trinidad & Tobago has to offer.”

Support from Government and Sectors

Robert emphasized the need for increased support from the government, private, and public sectors. “Creatives need resources and platforms to grow. The government should invest more in the arts, and private companies should see the potential in our talent,” he urged. “We need a collective effort to push our music to the global stage.”

The Importance of Education

To ensure the continued growth of the industry, Robert stressed the importance of education. “We need new blood and fresh ideas. The art of music business should be taught professionally,” he said. Robert believes that structured education in music business could pave the way for local artists to achieve international recognition, including prestigious awards like the Grammys.

Looking to the Future

Despite the challenges, Robert remains optimistic about the future of Trinidad & Tobago’s music industry. “The potential is immense. With the right support and education, our artists can reach new heights,” he concluded. “I believe that we will see a Grammy winner from Trinidad & Tobago in the near future.”

Interviewer’s Note:

Robert Amar’s passion and commitment to the music industry are evident. His vision for the future, combined with his extensive experience, offers a roadmap for the continued growth and success of Trinidad & Tobago’s music scene. As he promotes Iconic Radio 104.7 FM, Robert Amar continues to be a driving force in nurturing and showcasing local talent.

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